At today’s regular session of the Council for the development of the Southwest planning region, which was chaired by the mayor of Ohrid, Dr. Kiril Pecakov, it was agreed that
The Mayor of Municipality of Ohrid, d-r Kiril Pecakov, at today’s regular session, was unanimously elected as the President of the Council for development of the Southwest planning region with
On 30.11.2022, in the hall of the council of Municipality of Struga, was held the seventh session of the Council for development of the Southwest planning region. On the meeting
On April 29, 2022, in the hall of the Council of the Municipality of Struga, was held the fifth and sixth session of the Council for development of the SWPR.
On April 20, 2022, the fourth session of the Council for development of the SWPR was held through the GoogleMeet platform. At the session, the engaged external experts presented the
Struga, 13 April 2022 The Council for development of the southwest planning region held its third regular session at which the possibilities for organizing a study visit to some European
March 16 The second regular meeting of the Council for development of the Southwest planning region started with the verification of the mandates of the representatives of the non-governmental sector
Struga, December 3 Today, in Struga, was held a constitutive session of the new composition of the Council for development of the Southwest planning region, at which the Mayor of
On 05.08.2021, through Google Meet platform, was held the 17th Meeting of the Council for development of the Southwest planning region. On the meeting, for director of the Centre for
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