Struga, April 15, 2022 Organized by the Ministry of foreign affairs, the Bureau for regional development and the Center for development of the SOUTHWEST planning region, in hotel Iygrev in Struga, was held a DIPLOMATIC-ECONOMIC CARAVAN, with participation of a large number of ambassadors and diplomatic cor in the country where the economic potentials of domestic companies were presented and promoted, as well as investment opportunities in order to encourage regional development in the SOUTHWEST planning region.
About 20 representatives of the state embassies, within the caravan, visited Kicevo, Ohrid and Struga, where they met with businessmen and mayors from the Region.
The final event was held in Struga, where the Deputy Minister of foreign affairs, Fatmire Isaki, the Director of the Bureau for regional development, Ramiz Rexhepi, the President of the Council for development of the Southwest planning region, Dr. Ramis Merko, and the Director of The Center for development of the Southwest planning region, MSc Mirjana Lozanoska. There is a unanimous assessment that the economic climate can be improved through investments in the interior of the country and increase of the funds from the national budget in the programs for balanced regional development, in order to overcome the disparities between the regions.
In the context of improving regional development, a Memorandum of Cooperation was signed between the Ministry of foreign affairs and the Bureau for regional development. Some of the companies from the Ohrid-Struga micro region also presented their stands and presentations at the event.
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